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Account information
User# 7,417
Date Joined Sep. 29th, 2012
Status Not active
Profile Page https://www.rrrather.com/user/profile/ChronicRose
User information
Gender Female
Nationality American
Species Human

ChronicRose joined on September 29, 2012. She is 17 years old. She lives in Tennessee. She is a hardcore Christian. She is dmj312's favorite user. She has posted 317 questions and 10,097 comments. She likes abstinence. She hates noahm. She likes anime. She's half black, a quarter Armenian, and a quarter Indian. Her favorite color is aqua blue.


ChronicRose sort of left the site on August 9th. She then came back a week later to post her 'last question.' She returned in December, because she has time during holiday break. It is unclear whether or not she's returned for good.
